Register for OUR Upcoming Meeting:
What do artists want when they work with a gallery?
Saturday, August 12, 2023
10:30 am-12 pm PST
You will receive the zoom meeting details after you register.
What will happen at the meeting?
We will present our draft Consignment Agreement for artists to use when they work with a gallery. We will then discuss with the group what could be added and/or changed to the agreement and issues faced when working with a gallery. We will use this information to make a strong, useful tool for artists to protect themselves.
Do I need to prepare?
We recommend looking through our website and testing out the FARE Contract before attending the meeting. This will help give you a baseline for understanding how our contracts work. Don’t have the time? No worries - this homework is optional!
I can’t attend the meeting - will you provide a briefing afterward?
Yes. We will send out an update afterward, but I encourage you to join the meeting if you can. Growing solidarity among our community of artists and arts workers is the most important part of this project. We are humbled and inspired by the growing number of people who are supportive of this project.